Şubat 2023
We will continue to fulfill all our responsibilities without fail to improve the living conditions in the regions affected by earthquakes.

As Torunlar REIC, following the devastating earthquake on February 6th, we swiftly took action to address the urgent needs in the earthquake-affected areas. During this challenging period, we collaborated closely with public and local authorities in the cities where we operate, including AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Authority), to provide support to those affected by the earthquake through various aid activities.

We set up emergency aid collection centers in our shopping malls located in cities such as Istanbul, Bursa, Kütahya, Ankara, and Antalya. With the support of compassionate citizens and our valued employees, we delivered approximately 9 trucks of emergency supplies to the earthquake-affected areas through AFAD, Governorates, and District Municipalities. Additionally, we provided 72,000 bottles of water and pulses worth 50,000 TL from our Hilton Mall of Istanbul hotel to the earthquake zone through AFAD. During this challenging period, we hosted citizens who lost their homes at the Hilton Mall of Istanbul, striving to provide them with a comfortable environment. 

We also supported the campaign initiated by the PI Women's Cancers Association during the International Women's Day on March 8th, aiming to meet the needs of our sisters affected by the earthquake. Believing that Turkey will heal these wounds with unity and solidarity, we took action. We provided financial support to AFAD through the "Turkey United Campaign" to improve the temporary living conditions of those affected by the earthquake.